Friday, September 15, 2006

myvideotalk - an idea whose time has come !!

Can you imagine living a life without Email and the Internet and your mobile phone ???
Yet the killer application on the internet the EMAIL did not become popular till 1990 and the mobile did not enter India till 1996, but today they are major business and personal communications tools that one cannot do without.
Over time the E-mail has fast evolved beyond just plain, old e-mail. It's getting Hot fuelling competition among the largest online companies firing up what's already close to a multibillion-dollar industry. The email sparked the quick growth of the Internet, and quickly escalated beyond mere text. Thanks to the ever increasing bandwidth the broadband is fuelling the email revolution allowing Photos, graphics and greeting cards with audio messages to be sent round the world in e-mail messages — and now moving to instant messaging as well. And now the time has come for video.
Do you remember when the mobile was first introduced ??
All we worried about was reception..... the next gen bought sms, and then ringtones, and picture messages, and now MMS Widescreens, Multimedia players et al ….soon globally we will have Wimax and G3 and you can then have streaming video to mobile , mobile conferencing , video on demand, video classrooms, downloadable or streaming IPTV to your phone ….

Interesting facts :

1. Global e-mail users will surge from 780 million in 2006 to 1.3 billion in 2009.

2. 81% of Web users said e-mail was their chief activity

3. Revenue from email advertising in the usa jumped 161% to 275 million in 2006 from 96 million in 2004

Companies are busy creating catchier e-mail ads, using various types of visual effects to grab customers. E-mail's and net marketing is the next wave of how retailers will target their prospects customers and potential customers as the E-mail go directly to consumer PCs and soon these e-mails with any rich media and audio visual content will go directly to a handheld device. E-mails will get more personalized. E-mail advertising will get more sophisticated and more rich in audiovisual content.
As the automobile, telephone, radio, television, fax machine,pager,cell phones, and personal computer all did when they burst into the culture, e-mail and Internet communications specifically using video are all set to become ingrained in the daily lives of users – This is the future and will change the way the world communicates.

Education Communication Entertainment - all rolled into one special package brought to you by Myvideotalk a succussful usa based multinational and a leader in streaming video technologies & Internet communications.

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